国際協働で村の活性化を!行動するエンジニア Revitalizing the region through international collaboration! Engineers in Action





チーム名大阪工業大学×台湾科技大学EiAチーム OIT & NTUST EiA Team
現在の活動地域 国/地域日本、台湾、ベトナム、インドネシア

2024年8月に大阪工業大学国際交流センターと国立台湾科技大学のEiA(Engineers in Action)チームが行った国際PBL(Project Based Learning)では、初めて地域創成問題を取り上げ、奈良県川上村の地域資源を生かして「環境に優しい石けんづくりとろ過実験」をテーマにワークショップを源流分校(旧川上東小学校)で実施しました。参加学生のリーダーは4月から川上村を複数回訪れて、石けんに混ぜる素材として現地で調達できる桜の花びらや、スギ・ヒノキのおがくず、廃材を収集。両校のメンバーを石けん試作、3D成形、パッケージデザイン、広報の各チームに分け、8月合同研修本番まで意見交換を繰り返し、サンプル試作、地元住民への広報など準備を行いました。ワークショップには地元の小学生と保護者や、川上村への移住を検討し見学ツアーに参加された家族など約30人が集い、川上村の自然の恵を再認識するとともに、住民自身がどこでも調達できる材料と簡単な知識・工夫だけで水汚染問題などの解決に資する生活の知恵を学ぶきっかけとなりました。

In August 2024, The EiA (Engineers in Action) team of Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT) International Center and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) conducted a joint international PBL (Project-Based Learning) program. For the first time, the program addressed regional revitalization issues and held a workshop at the OIT seminar house (former Kawakami East Elementary School) in Kawakami Village, Nara Prefecture. The workshop focused on "eco-friendly soap making and filtration experiments" utilizing local resources.

OIT student leaders visited Kawakami Village multiple times starting in April to collect locally available materials, such as cherry blossom petals, cedar and cypress sawdust, and recycled wood, to be used in the soap. The members from both universities were divided into teams responsible for soap prototyping, 3D molding, package design, and public relations. They engaged in repeated discussions, created sample products, and promoted the project to local residents in preparation for the joint training session in August.

Approximately 30 participants, including local elementary school students, their parents, and families considering relocating to Kawakami Village as part of a guided tour, joined the workshop. The event not only reaffirmed the natural richness of Kawakami Village but also provided an opportunity for residents to learn simple, practical solutions to environmental issues like water pollution using readily available materials and basic knowledge.
Beyond 2025, we will continue to develop sustainable initiatives that contribute to regional revitalization by leveraging local resources and engineering expertise in manufacturing.


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1) Similar activities will be carried out in Kawakami Village, Nara Prefecture, where our university has a partnership agreement, as well as in the rural areas of Yilan County, Taiwan; Can Tho, Vietnam; and Surabaya, Indonesia.
2) We will procure materials from local partner companies and engage in the manufacturing of environmental products, as well as the development of product designs, including packaging.
Through these activities, we aim to contribute to the revitalization of the local economy while respecting regional culture and traditions. In collaboration with local governments, private companies, and other stakeholders, we will propose methods to minimize environmental impact while ensuring the understanding and support of local residents.



We welcome individuals and organizations who support the objectives of this project, including:
1) Local communities, municipalities, and residents in areas such as Yoshino and Kawakami Village in Nara Prefecture (providing fieldwork locations and local materials)
2) Private companies (offering material and human resources, including product development, technology support, and product design)
3) Researchers and students from overseas partner universities (participating collaboratively)



This project aligns with the sub-theme "Saving Lives."
By not only contributing to environmental conservation but also considering the sustainability of people’s livelihoods and economic activities, we aim to develop a viable business model. Our approach involves collaboration among industry, government, academia, local communities, and international partners, which is in line with the core concept of the Expo.


Osaka Institute of Technology, International Center
Email: oit.kokusai@josho.ac.jp


大阪工業大学では17学科が2013年以来、台湾・韓国・中国・インドネシア・タイ・マレーシアなどアジアの協定校とさまざまな課題を取り上げて工学的知見で解決方法を考える、国際PBL(Project Based Learning)を実施しています。2022年度は国立台湾科技大学のEiA (Engineers in Action)プロジェクトチーム派遣団が来学し、国際PBLをはじめ今後のプログラムの地域展開(大学の社会的責任=USR)の可能性について打合せを行い、日本での活動地域として大阪工業大学と地域連携協定を結んでいる奈良県川上村を選定。同村を視察訪問後、「大学の社会的責任プログラム協力に関する」協定を締結しました。2023年度も実施内容詳細の協議を重ね、2024年度は川上村の地域資源を生かして「環境に優しい石けんづくり」をテーマにワークショップを8月24日源流分校(旧川上東小学校)を小学生や保護者を対象に、翌25日に本学大宮オープンキャンパスで高校生を対象に実施しました。

Since 2013, Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT) has been conducting International Project-Based Learning (i-PBL) in collaboration with partner universities across Asia, including Taiwan, South Korea, China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. This initiative engages 17 academic departments in addressing various challenges and exploring engineering-based solutions.

In the 2022 academic year, a delegation from the Engineers in Action (EiA) project team at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) visited OIT to discuss international PBL and the potential for expanding the program regionally under the concept of University Social Responsibility (USR). As part of this initiative, they selected Kawakami Village in Nara Prefecture—a community with which OIT has a regional partnership agreement—as the primary location for their activities in Japan. Following a site visit, both institutions signed an Agreement on Cooperation in the University Social Responsibility Program.

Discussions continued throughout the 2023 academic year to refine the program's details. In 2024, the initiative focused on utilizing local resources in Kawakami Village to hold a workshop themed "Eco-Friendly Soap Making." The first session was held on August 24 at OIT Seminar House (formerly Kawakami Higashi Elementary School) for elementary school students and their parents, followed by a second session on August 25 at OIT’s Ōmiya Campus Open Campus event, targeting high school students.


  • 大阪工業大学
