Safe Food for All

Co-Creation Challenges



Team NameAgrifood Systems and Food Safety Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
Co-Creation Members
Country / RegionHQ in Rome, Italy: Work globally, current emphasis in Bolivia, Cambodia, Columbia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan
Theme of Activity
■Our Co-Creation Challenge

Food safety is a key element of ensuring food security. Each year, over 600 million people suffer from preventable foodborne infections. We empower multiple actors to apply best practice from production/harvest to consumption to reduce food contamination and limit foodborne diseases. To achieve our goals we align our activities with global activities outlined in the Global Action Plan on AMR ; the One Health Joint Plan of Action, (Tracks no. 4 Strengthening the assessment, management and communication of food safety risks, and no. 5 Curbing the silent pandemic of antimicrobial resistance), and the FAO Action Plan on AMR . Specific goals include aiding and empowering governments, private partners and civil society to achieve the following: Perform situational analyses of food safety and AMR Establishing and strengthening of multisectoral, One Health coordination mechanisms Capacity building for risk analysis: Risk assessment, risk communication and risk management. Raise awareness of AMR through communication, education and trainings Strengthen the knowledge and evidence base through surveillance and research Reduce the need for antimicrobial in agriculture through promotion and adoption of best practices (hygiene, nutrition, biosecurity, vaccination, etc.) RENOFARM Develop the economic case for sustainable investment Supporting governance of AMR Through these activities we will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs . Specifically targeting SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) , 3 (Good Health and Well-being) , 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth)

■Regions you would like to expand to

We would like to synergize our efforts with others to raise awareness, provide training, and enable environments where best practices to prevent food contamination become the norm, globally. This enhance health, save lives and improve livelihoods. We are looking to expand our reach globally, especially in low-and middle income countries. Our next targeted countries include Tanzania, Uganda and Vietnam,

■People you would like to co-create with

National Governments, non-governmental organizations, academics, farmer co-operatives, consumer groups, food business operators, food producers

■Relation to the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan theme


■Contact Information


■Additional Information

Communication of Information